Monrovia, Liberia – The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kingdom Business Inc. (KBI), Mr. L. Swansey Fallah, has expressed frustration over what he describes as interference in the procurement process at the Ministry of Health (MOH) by top officials of the ruling Unity Party government.Speaking in an exclusive interview with Flames TV Africa, Mr. Fallah alleged that certain government officials have been manipulating the bidding process to award contracts to companies of their choice without following proper procedures under the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) guidelines.
According to him, two major projects—the upgrade of the Boe-Waterside Health Center in Grand Cape Mount County and the construction of the Mental Health Hospital, along with the completion of the Ministry of Health Partners Building—were awarded to American Eagle Construction Company and Interior Prospective LLC without due process.Mr. Fallah further disclosed that his company has made several attempts to seek redress by writing letters to Health Minister Dr. Louise Mapleh Kpoto and the Executive Director of the PPCC, but no action has been taken. He alleged that lobbying efforts by senior MOH officials have delayed any response to KBI’s concerns.
He also accused Assistant Minister of Administration at the MOH, Mr. Richard D. Kollie, of a conflict of interest, claiming that Mr. Kollie used an official ministry vehicle to transport representatives of Interior Prospective LLC during a site visit. When questioned about this, Mr. Fallah said Assistant Minister Kollie justified the act by stating that the company lacked transportation to reach the site.
KBI had previously requested an official notification of the bidding results to understand why their bid was unsuccessful. According to Mr. Fallah, the ministry’s debriefing letter cited the absence of a site foreman certificate as the primary reason for KBI’s lower score, despite the company securing 97.89 out of 100 points in the evaluation.
Expressing doubts over the fairness of the process, Mr. Fallah argued that Interior Prospective LLC received preferential treatment, raising concerns about transparency in the MOH’s procurement process.Kingdom Business Inc. is one of Liberia’s leading construction firms, boasting over 25 earth-moving machines and a track record of executing more than 50 government and non-governmental projects.Efforts to obtain a response from the Ministry of Health before press time proved unsuccessful.